Girl standing at a vault with her squad
app-tagEscape room

The Heist VR

Your SWAT team has been called in to neutralise the volatile situation that's unfolding at the Fidesbank headquarters. The lives of the hostages are now in your hands.

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From £25 p.p.

Think carefully how you will approach this rescue mission.
Go in guns blazing and you risk lives, but don't plan too long before taking action either!

Background image of fides bank with police in front

Make yourself useful, officer! Got bravery ... or brains?

Don't be a hot head! Now is not the time to go on a solo mission. Work your way through the building using your team's expertise.





playing field





30 min

mini games

30 min

The Heist



Drone animation
Transition image between the hero and info section
Video thumbnail for the heist game trailer

Assign your team members their roles as brave fighters or brainy tech experts.

Together you'll have enough skill and firepower to complete the mission.

Think clearly and move swiftly to free the hostages.

Group of police special units trying to open a safe
Image of police special units in a firefight

The hostages could be kept anywhere in the building, so don't do anything reckless if you want to keep them safe. Is that clear?

What awaits you in your new virtual world?

Hahaha cool hé, dat is wel goed.

Jelle De Beule, 41, Ghent

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